August 4, 2023

Celebrate The Sibling Bond: 5 Tips for a Successful Raksha Bandhan Campaign

The festival carries a very strong  emotional appeal, and it is a perfect time for brands to initiate a raksha bandhan social media campaign that resonates deeply with their audiences. During Raksha Bandhan, people actively search for gift ideas and ways to celebrate the festival. It is therefore a good time to kickstart a Raksha Bandhan 2023 exclusive social media campaign that provides valuable content such as gift guides, DIY ideas, get-away packages and celebration tips. Raksha Bandhan social media posts are good for audience engagement and interaction. Seasonal campaigns are also great for brand awareness and increased sales. 

However, as business owners, one has to look beyond the business side of things and instead position themselves as problem solvers or pitch content in a way that makes them an integral part of the celebration. Always remember that if the Raksha Bandhan campaign has the right messaging and flavour, sales and user generation will organically follow. 

Here are some 5 tips in that direction which brands should keep in mind when developing a Raksha Bandhan social media campaign this year - 

# 1 Authentic storytelling should be the crux of the campaign 

Authentic storytelling should be the crux of the Raksha Bandhan campaign. And the best way to do this is by developing  an influencer centric social media campaign for Raksha Bandhan 2023. Start by identifying the right set of influencers. In this context, the right influencer would be a creator who is known to share content along with his or her sibling. There are many influencers who co-create content with their family members and siblings. 

Working with such influencers will present a good scope to create content which is authentic and compelling. Raksha Bandhan offers creative content opportunities for influencers as well. They often showcase their own family celebrations and share heartwarming stories. Brands can reach out to such influencers who are willing to collaborate and share their personal stories as part of the Raksha Bandhan campaign. 

Below is a Raksha Bandhan campaign executed by Saurabh , galleri5 influencer, for Kushal's.

# 2 Unique hashtags and user-generated content (UGC)

User-generated content allows the brand to build a sense of community among its followers. When people see others participating in the campaign and sharing similar experiences, it creates a feeling of belonging and inclusivity, strengthening the brand's relationship with its audience. It also has a rippling effect and encourages others to share their personal stories as well. 

UGC should be an integral part of the raksha bandhan campaign as it has a domino effect and encourages organic content creation. For this, brands must create unique hashtags which are thoughtful and resonate with Raksha Bandhan campaign ideas. Unique hashtags associated with the campaign create a brand identity and help in establishing brand recall. When users see the hashtag repeatedly in different posts, it reinforces the brand's presence and purpose during the festive season.

# 3  Maintain an inclusive tone in the campaign 

Ensure that your Raksha Bandhan campaign content features diverse individuals and families from different backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities. Representation matters, and showing diverse participants in your campaign will make it more relatable to a broader audience.

Raksha Bandhan social media posts should include language that is inclusive and doesn't assume a specific gender or family structure. Avoid using gender-specific terms like "brother" and "sister" and instead use neutral terms like "sibling" or "loved one." Recognize and celebrate different types of relationships beyond the traditional sibling bond. Include content that acknowledges and appreciates the bonds between cousins, friends, mentors, and even non-biological family members.

# 4 Make the shopping experience as smooth as possible

Season specific or festive shopping is very different from regular shopping. There are a lot of emotions involved as it is a special occasion and people buy gifts for their loved ones. Brands need to be prepared for the same and should ensure that the purchasing experience and after sales service is smooth and glitch-free. Any bad reviews will have a negative impact on the overall Raksha Bandhan social media campaign. 

People also have different shopping habits. Not all customers buy gifts well in advance , there are last minute shoppers as well. It would be great if brands could include shopping conveniences such as one day delivery options, easy exchange or return policy etc. Highlighting these benefits  in the Raksha Bandhan social media posts will also increase the appeal of the offering. 

# 5 Pay attention to campaign/customer insight and improvise 

As long as the Raksha Bandhan social media campaign lasts, brands should pay attention to the comments and queries posted by users. At the same time, the metrics of the campaign should be monitored. For example, how are the hashtags working? What hashtags the competitors are using? Also from the influencer marketing perspective, the content of which creator is performing better in terms of engagement rate and reach. These inputs should be monitored at all points during the campaign and improvisation should be made accordingly.  For example, if the content of X creator is working better than Y creator, then it makes logical sense to allocate more budget to creator X. 


Raksha Bandhan is deeply rooted in Indian culture. Brands can show respect for these cultural values and tradition by starting a season specific campaign which appreciates and celebrates the sibling bond. The pointer discussed in their write-up will play a pivotal role in enhancing the effectiveness of a Raksha Bandhan campaign 2023. They will help create brand awareness, foster engagement, build trust, and establish a meaningful connection with the audience during this significant festive season.

galleri5 is an influencer marketing company that has helped brands launch successful social media campaigns across platforms. We have a complete creator stack and technologically advanced solutions that will allow brands to track every component of their campaign. For more information, book a demo today!

Kamna Datt
Content Writer
A content writer by profession, Kamna is an Influencer marketing enthusiast writing insightful articles about the space that will benefit brands and influencers alike!